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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh Crap...

I forgot to update last week :( I'm so sorry. I was on vacation and stuff..but my YouTube channel is always updated! I have some stuff on there you should definitely check that stuff out (: This I will probably be updating more as my writing blog where I can just show you my writing and stuff. (: 

Alright guys, that's all for this week. I'm tired and it's Sunday, I'm covered in mud and I need to shower. I'll see you later, but check out my YouTube channel if you want to see me talk about stuff that matters!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Would Like to Take a Moment...

Hey guys.
My week has been...pretty crazy. I'm not going to go into detail about it, because I don't want to embarrass any people on here. I posted a new video on YouTube, so you should go check that out. I'm pretty much going to use this to update you people on when videos are up if you aren't subscribed to me...but let's see.

Sorry I didn't get a post up last night. I was at a friend's house, and we made a little giffy type interesting thing, which I will post as soon as she decides to send it to me. This is short because I have to do homework, but if you want to see more of my face then go to YouTube!

I just want to take a step away from all of that junk up top to say thank you to you guys. I love posting here and I love posting on YouTube, and I really appreciate all you guys who read this and follow this and love this and WOOHOO. I hope I can get something more interesting up soon; would you guys be interested in seeing some of my writing stuff?

ANYWAY. That's all I have for now. I love you guys <3

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Bonjour, mon ami. That's French for "Bonjour, mon ami." No, I do not know how to speak French. Sorry people. Your hopes and dreams are crushed, I can tell.

So I created a YouTube channel back in the day in order to troll about, but I was watching a SwiftKarateChop video and he said something about...well, you'll have to see in the video I posted. I'm going to try to do that more often now, so be on the lookout :D


Saturday, January 28, 2012

To Luna

So I have a good friend, named Luna. She is moving to Columbia. I find this very sad because she is one of my best friends, and I really feel like I need to say something about her.

Luna is...oh, where to begin. She's her own person. She is smart and funny and always there for you if you need it. She may be street stupid, but in school she's kick ass. I mean, come on; she was put into a math class for advanced juniors/seniors! We had lunch pretty much every day together, and I wonder still if she was upset every time I wasn't there (Illness, TAing, etc.). Sure, I teased her and called her stupid and just stared blankly at her when she said something that made me want to weep for humanity, but I never meant it. It was all in good fun, as friends do; we tease each other.

On what I believe was Monday night, I saw her for what she believed would be the last time we would ever saw each other. She kept asking me how to pronounce things on the menu. ("Hannah, is this [Cajun] pronounced Cay-gen?" "What's better, chicken or steak?" "In your Philly Cheese STEAK, Luna?" "...Yeah, I'm getting chicken because you suggested steak.") We were both upset at the end of the night, and I was glad that I got to saw her one last time one on one before Friday, then Saturday when she left.

Last night we had a surprise party for her, and I will not forget this until the day I die. It was a great time; music and food (well, I didn't get much food, but I blame that on being rather late.) and friends. When it was time for me to leave, I took Luna aside. We kind of just stared at each other for a few seconds before embracing each other and...bursting into tears. It was a bittersweet moment; I knew that I would miss her, but I also knew that she would miss me too. It was comforting, in a way.

I already miss her, and I can't believe that she's not going to be at school on Monday. I'm going to walk into the library, to the table where we always ate lunch, and sob because she isn't there. You were a good person and an even better friend, Luna. I love you.

"A true friend is hard to find, harder to lose, and impossible to forget." 

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hello, good friends. So this week I have testing, so this is going to be a ridiculously short post, because I've been studying all day. I think that I'm going to move posting day to Saturday evenings because on Fridays I like to do things. So yes, moving posting day to Saturday evening.

As I type this, I am watching True Grit and eating brownies that I made last night to study and eat. It has been a hard day of studying, from 11-6. And as impossible as that sounds, it isn't. I actually did it. I took only two breaks, and I only managed to study for two subjects, Alg2/Trig and Spanish. I basically retaught myself Spanish and relearned almost everything from the beginning of the year in math. It was a productive day, and I want to relax for the next few hours before I go to sleep and repeat my process.

I was planning on saying something here, but I really cannot remember what I was going to say. This is so upsetting. Tomorrow I have to do History and Chemistry, and I am so not looking forward to that.

Goddamn, this is such an uninteresting post. I hope this makes it more interetsing; I'm sure it will.

That. Looks. Delicious.

I promise you, my post next week will be much more interesting. But for now, I am going to take a nice little break after a long fucking day of studying. I love you, good friends.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hello, good friends. This is actually going to be very short because I'm out here skiing. I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday! No chasing me with pointy sticks though!

Okay so I'm skiing this weekend with my friend Liz and my mother and brother, but instead of talking about how much fun that is, I'm going to talk about Billy Elliot.

Billy Elliot...where do I even start to begin? It's a beautiful play about a boy in a mining town in the mid-1900s who discovers the magic of dancing. There are a whole bunch of lovely little dance scenes and wonderful songs, friends and family. It really is wonderful. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1RB_T85nQk <--This could possibly be the best dance in the entire show. 

It went off Broadway last Sunday and I wish I had gotten to see it one last time before it closed. It's really just amazing in every single way. Really. Words just don't exist in my vernacular that could show you how happy this show makes me. <3 

Billy and his (dead) mother

The end of the show

From "Solidarity" 

Teaching the girls (and Billy) how to dance. 
From "Angry Dance"

Waiting to find out if he made it into the school!

From "We Were Born to Boogie"

 Literally look at these pictures and tell me how you can just not love the show. I mean, come on, is your heart made of ice? Look it up on YouTube for the musical version or Netflix for the movie, non musical version. Just if you watch the movie, skip the end. It sucks and ruins the entire experience.

Until next time, kiddos.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Medial Influence on Society

Hello, good friends, and Happy New Year! Today I want to talk about social media and its influence on society. Today's topic of discussion is really heavily influenced by Pogobat on Youtube (talk about social media!) and the presidential election coming up. This will be the first election that is very powerfully swayed by the command that social media has in our world. Before you start to post hateful comments, let me just say that I do know that it was a huge influence in the Obama/McCain election; however, this is the first election where the people will be swayed on both sides. So without further ado, let's get started.

I'm sure you are all aware of the bigger social media websites out there (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Formspring, Tumblr, Blogspot, etc.), but for those of you who are living under a rock and have mysteriously connected to the internet, social media is a way of connecting with people you may or may not know. To the person who first thought of creating social media: Good for you! It truly is an interesting concept; having a place on the internet where you can discuss ideas and have conversations with people you may not necessarily know.

Of course, with brilliant ideas come the idiots who follow the geniuses. The "trolls" of the internet just ruin this experience; people may make a smart comment, and a person may wittily respond back, "omgggzzz that iz soooooooo gayyyy." (Please ignore the really obnoxious typing here, just trying to prove a point.)

But I would like to get back to what I was talking about. I honestly was slightly stuck on this topic; I have found it sort of interesting since we discussed it briefly in Global History. However, I really was stuck. I meant to ask my Global teacher her opinions, but she was busy being pregnant and so I didn't want to bother her; plus, I had to run off to Spanish. So I spoke to my dad, and he had some opinions.

"I believe that this will empower young people and make them a more important force in politics. This is because it will connect people to each other and people can communicate ideas (the way I am on this blog) and create things together. Older people are not a part of this because they are not on social media as much as younger people are; most older people aren’t on Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, etc. I think that if young people see that other people of their generation are working on politics, they will get involved. Now I want to go to sleep."

So thank you Dad, and yes, I did allow him to go to sleep. However, he makes some good points. I would like to highlight on this: "I think that if young people see that other people of their generation are working on politics, they will get involved." I am fifteen years old, so even if I did have political ideas, I wouldn't be much of an influence on other people's opinions. However, go to places like YouTube and Facebook and look at the ages of the people who have created videos on their political opinions and societal ideals; they are still my generation, just a few years my seniors. Go through the comments and see the thousands of people who agree and disagree.

My last thought before I go fall asleep: ignore those who are trollin'. They ruin the magic of social media; I know that everybody says that the internet rots your brain and ruins your life, but it just isn't true. Look hard enough, and you may just find someone to express your thoughts to.

That's all I have to say, keep rockin' on. ~Hannah